Click on the "Number" to view the tabulation.
Number | Description | Term |
15-001 | Term Contract for Purchase of High Demand Books for Library | 10/01/14 - 09/30/19 |
15-002 | Janitorial Services for Fort Bend County Buildings | |
15-003 | Term Contract for Window Washing of Various County Buildings | 10/01/14 - 09/30/15 |
15-004 | Term Contract for Fire Alarm, Sprinkler, Anti-Backflow, Ansul Systems Inspections and Fire/Security Monitoring | Reject and Re-advertise |
15-005 | Term Contract for Purchase of Safety Shoes and Boots | 10/01/14 - 09/30/19 |
15-006 | Term Contract for Law Enforcement Uniforms and Duty Gear | 10/01/16 - 09/30/17 |
15-007 | Term Contract for for Maintenance Services for Fax Machines | 10/01/14 - 09/30/19 |
15-008 | Term Contract for Mowing Services for County Right-of-Ways and Finish Cut Mowing Services for County Right-of-Ways | 10/01/16 - 09/30/17 |
15-010 | Term Contract for Purchase of Chrysler Repair Part | 10/01/14 - 09/30/19 |
15-011 | Term Contract for Medical Supplies | 10/01/14 - 09/30/15 |
15-012 | Term Contract of Purchase of Trade Books | 10/01/14 - 09/30/19 |
15-013 | Term Contract for Traffic Signs, Posts and Supplies | 10/01/15 - 09/30/16 |
15-014 | Term Contract for Weed, Brush and Insect Control Material | 10/01/14 - 09/30/15 |
15-015 | Term Contract for Tires and Tubes | 10/01/14 - 09/30/15 |
15-016 | Term Contract for On-Site Clearing, Grubbing and Debris Removal Services for Various Fort Bend County Road Projects | 10/01/14 - 09/30/15 |
15-017 | Term Contract for Toner and Ink Cartridges | Reject and Re-advertise |
15-018 | Term Contract for Hauling and Disposal of Condensate Leachate | 10/01/14- 09/30/19 |
15-019 | Term Contract for Oil and Lubricants | 10/01/14 - 09/30/15 |
15-020 | Term Contract for Elevator Maintenance for Fort Bend County | Reject and Re-advertise |
15-021 | Term Contract for Pest Control Services | 10/01/16 - 09/30/17 |
15-022 | Term Contract for Wrecker Services |
10/01/14 - 09/30/19 |
15-023 | Term Contract for Vehicle Graphics | 10/01/14 - 09/30/19 |
15-024 | Term Contract for Fire Alarm, Sprinkler, Anti-Backflow, Ansul Systems Maintenance Service and Fire-Security Monitoring | 10/01/15 - 09/30/16 |
15-025 | Term Contract for Toner and Ink Cartridges | 10/01/14 -09/30/15 |
15-026 | Abatement of Junked Vehicles for Fort Bend County | 10/01/14 - 09/30/15 |
15-027 | Term Contract for Elevator Maintenance | 10/01/15 - 10/31/16 |
15-028 | Purchase of Vehicles | 10/10/17 - 09/30/18 |
397-12 | Gulf Coast Paper (Buy Board Janitorial Supplies) | 09/01/14 - 08/31/15 |
15-029 | Septic System for Gordon Ranch | |
15-030 | Fleet Tracking Software for Sheriff's Office | |
15-031 | Furniture for Fort Bend County Engineering Department | |
15-032 | Design/Build Replacement of Fairgrounds Bleachers | Reject and Re-advertise |
15-033 | Contingency Debris Clearing Removal & Disposal & Operation of Temporary Debris Staging & Reduction Sites for Fort Bend County | |
15-034 | Term Contract for Control Mosquito Control Chemicals | 10/01/16 - 09/30/17 |
15-035 | Paperless Round Sheet Software for Sheriff's Office | |
15-036 | Design/Build Replacement of Bleachers at Fairgrounds | |
15-037 | Provide and Install Baseball Barrier Netting | |
15-038 | Stain and Polish Concrete Floors at Fairgrounds | |
15-039 | Interior Painting at Fairgrounds | |
15-040 | Term Contract for Mowing and Maintenance Services of Freedom Park Baseball Fields | 12/16/14 - 9/30/19 |
15-041 | Lease of Property | |
15-042 | Storm Sewer Box Culverts | Rejected |
15-043 |
Provide & Install Baseball Barrier Netting |
15-044 | Sheriff's Office Interior Remodel of West Jail Tower | |
15-045 | Construction of Double Turn Lane at a Private Drive on Fry Road | Rejected |
15-046 | Design-Build Equipment Barn at Freedom Park | |
15-047 | Redundant Ethernet Services | |
15-048 | Term Contract for Pavement Marking on Various Roads | 04/01/19 - 03/31/20 |
15-049 | Term Contract for Concrete Curbs and Gutters | 04/01/19 - 03/31/20 |
15-050 | Term Contract for Purchase and Installation of Carpet | Reject and Re-advertise |
15-051 | Term Contract for Purchase of Culverts | 04/01/15 - 03/31/16 |
15-052 | Term Contract for Purchase of Bridge Materials | 04/01/15 - 03/31/16 |
15-053 | Term Contract for Purchase and Hauling of Earthen Type Road Materials | 04/01/15 - 03/31/16 |
15-054 | Term Contract for Purchasing and Hauling of Chemical Type Road Materials | 04/01/15 - 03/31/16 |
15-055 | Jail Maintenance | Rejected |
15-056 | Upgrade of CCTV System for Juvenile | |
15-057 | Boiler Replacement at George Memorial Library | |
15-058 | Term Contract for Inmate Food Service at Jail | 08/01/15 - 09/30/18 |
15-059 | Term Contract for Summer Food Program | 06/01/19 - 05/31/20 |
15-060 | Provide & Install GPS/Navigation Communication Equipment in Sheriff's Office Helicopter | |
15-061 | Communication Trailer Upgrade | |
15-062 | Phase III Technology Upgrade of Fort Bend County Sheriff's Office Emergency Operation Center | |
15-063 | Term Contract for Printing and Mailing of Tax Statements | 06/01/18 - 05/31/19 |
15-064 | Construction of Double Turn Lane at a Private Drive on Fry Road | |
15-065 | Paving, Drainage and Water Line for Sansbury Blvd Grand Estates Drive to Canyon Lake Drive | |
15-066 | Redundant Ethernet Services for Fort Bend County | |
15-067 | Term Contract for Purchase and Install of Carpet | 04/01/19 - 03/31/20 |
15-068 | Enterprise Content Management Solution | Reject and Re-advertise |
15-069 | Sealed Bid Sale of One (1) Moisture Density Gauge | |
15-070 | Design/Build Generator for Water Treatment Plant in Kendleton for Fort Bend County Community Development | |
15-071 | Reconstruction & Repair of Flares at Landfill for Fort Bend County | |
15-072 | Professional Assistance for Public Transportation Planning Activities | |
15-073 | JJAEP Gymnasium Roof and Front Facade Replacement | |
15-074 | LED Display Sign for George Memorial Library | |
15-076 | Stafford Run Watershed Improvement for Independence Park Concrete Weir | |
15-077 | Upgrade CCTV Phase 2 at Juvenile | |
15-078 | Exterior Painting of Various County Buildings | |
15-079 | Roof Replacement at Road and Bridge Facilities | |
15-082 | LED Signs for George Memorial Library | Reject and Re-advertise |
15-083 | Auctioneer Services for County and Public Transportation Assets | Reject and Re-advertise |
15-084 | Roof Replacement on West Tower of County Jail | |
15-085 | Term Contract for Window Washing of Various Fort Bend County Buildings | 10/1/16 - 9/30/17 |
15-086 | Engineering Services for the Evaluation of Existing Wastewater Collection System in the City of Kendleton for Fort Bend County Community Development | |
15-087 | Regional Emergency Public Information Site Development for Fort Bend County Office of Emergency Management | |
15-088 | Engineering Services to Review and Update Existing Plans for Lum Road Lift Station #3 in the City of Kendleton for Fort Bend County Community Development | |
15-089 | LED Display Sign for George Memorial Library | |
15-090 | Construction of Pedestrian Wheel Chair Ramps, Sidewalks, Median and Crosswalk Improvements on Cinco Ranch Boulevard at Cinco, Park Place, Cinco Ranch Boulevard at Peek Road and Cinco Ranch Boulevard at Cinco Lakes Drive | |
15-091 | Lease of Property for Food Truck Service | |
15-092 | Auctioneer Services for County and Public Transportation Assets | Reject and Re-advertise |
15-093 | Printing and Mailing of Vote Center Information Flyers |
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