Four basic shapes universally encompass those characteristics which set in motion the forces of compassion, ingenuity and the drive to save a life.
The circle represents service around the clock, all year long.
The square signifies coverage to all four corners of each service area or territory.
The diamond represents the rare and precious type of dedication found in every EMS worker.
The triangle symbolizes the equality in treatment that every patient receives.
The base of the structure signifies a strong support system made up of educators, legislation, and quality control.
The square base also represents that EMS in in all corners of the State.
The tapering of the upper structure signifies the improving prehospital care system through a continually narrowing gap of communication and understanding between EMS and the medical community at-large.
The upward projection of the structure represents EMS building toward a future. The lack of a pointed apex signifies unfinished work ahead.
Dedicated to Texas EMS
The Texas EMS Monument was dedicated at 12 noon, Wednesday, November 25, 1992, on the grounds of the Texas Department of Health, 1100 W. 49th in Austin. Approximately 200 EMS personnel from throughout the state attended the dedication, held just after the close of the annual state EMS conference.
The six-foot tall monolith, made of pink Enchanted Rose granite from Marble Falls, stands between the main health department building and the Moreton Building. It is the only monument on the health department grounds and was paid for with funds donated by EMS personnel from across the state during seven Texas EMS Conferences.
The late Chief of the Bureau of Emergency Management (which regulated EMS), Gene Weatherall, said, "We're excited that this dream of a monument has finally come true. EMS personnel are dedicated, heroic individuals, and many spend their entire lives helping injured and ill people."
The Texas EMS Monolith, recognizing EMS in Texas, is prominently displayed on the Texas Department of State Health Services grounds in Austin, Texas.
The monolith's design and accompanying inscription is the brainchild of Fort Bend County Emergency Medical Service employee Joe Kacal. The tireless efforts of late fellow-employee, Josiah Tyson, and many others, helped bring the project to completion.